Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

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Dropping Entrecard via Opera Mini 4 2

Entrecard As what I have written on my previous post that I am now using Entrecard again. Have no idea on what Entrecard is? Entrecard is a blogger community. Entrecard is able to give you more traffic. As what bloggers say that more traffic simply means more money. Right? How’s that possible? This way, once you join Entrecard, you’ll be given an account. Next, you’ll have to put an Entrecard widget on your blog or site. Make sure that your Entrecard widget is placed on a strategic place so other Entrecard users will find it easily. By clicking others Entrecard widget you will a credit. Using this Entrecard credit you can promote or ask other Entrecard users to put your 125 x 125 pixel banner on their blog. This credit is of course the main reason for Entrecarders to do the entre-walking. Have you got the picture? But remember that Entrecard is only accept blogs that are written in English. If you are using Indonesian, you can put some English posts first, but please be prepared that someday your account will be deleted. Whoaaa…. It is really hurt.

Mozilla Firefox is my favorite desktop Internet browser, while Opera Mini 4.2 is my favorite cell phone browser. Although my Sony Ericsson G502 has a pretty good browser but I personally prefer using Opera Mini. I open my blogspot dashboard using Opera Mini 4.2.

If you are now using Entrecard to get more traffic, then you will be understand how hard it is to do the entre-walking. What a time consuming activity!!!! I have been using some automatic Entrecard openers, but the problem is my internet connection. It is so frustrating to wait for a new tab to open. And when the tab finally opened, I often found that the Entrecard widget on it is invalid or has no users. hhh… I still can not get a good result in using them. Moreover, this entre-walking activity is also expensive, especially if we are using data-based internet connection. So I’m trying to use a more convincing way in doing it.

When I’m away from my PC, I use my Sony Ericsson G502 and Opera Mini 4.2 to stay connected to the internet. Through Opera Mini 4.2 I’m also doing the entre-walking activity. The advantage is I can be sure enough that the blog or site I’m trying to open really has a valid Entrecard user. It is also cheaper, because Opera Mini is not playing flash files and not able to run complex java script. The flash file and complex java script is really heavy to load sometimes. So by using Opera Mini 4.2 I can get a more simple, fast and reliable entre-walking experience.

Although it is really good, but there is also a problem. In Opera Mini 4.2 we can not drop the EC when the blog is using two columns widget like this: Entrecard 2 column widgetbut really works on a one column widget like this one:Entrecard 1 column widget

Technorati Tags: Entrecard,blogging,widget

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